

43. Rosenthal I, Singh S, Hermann K, Pantazis D, and Conway BR (2020). Color space geometry uncovered with magnetoencephalograpy. Curr Biol,

42. Hermann K, Singh S, Rosenthal I, Pantazis D, and Conway BR (2021). Temporal dynamics of the neural representation of hue and luminance polarity, Nature Communications.

41. Duyck M, Gruen T, Tello L, Eastman S, Fuller-Deets J. (2021) Color tuning of neurons in face patches of macaque inferior temporal cortex. eNeuro.

40. Conway BR, Ratnasingham S, Jara-Ettinger J, Futrell R, Gibson E (2020). Communication efficiency of color naming across languages provides a new framework for the evolution of color terms. Cognition, 195:104086.

39. Norman-Haignere S, Kanwisher NG, McDermott J, Conway BR (2019). Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones. Nature Neuroscience, 22: 1057–1060. (news coverage on NPR-All things Considered)

38. Hasantash M, Lafer-Sousa R, Afraz A, Conway BR (2019). Paradoxical impact of memory on color appearance of faces. Nature Communications, 10, Article number: 3010. (news coverage in WIRED magazine)

37. Haile T, Bohon KS., Romero MC., Conway BR (2018) Visual stimulus-driven functional organization of macaque prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage 188:427-444

36. Rosenthal, I., S. Ratnasingam, T. Haile, S. Eastman, J. Fuller-Deets and B. R. Conway (2018). Color statistics of objects, and color tuning of object cortex in macaque monkey. J Vis 18(11): 1.

35. Gibson G, Futrell R, Jara-Ettinger J, Mahowald K, Bergen L, Ratnasingam S, Gibson M, Piantadosi S, Conway BR (2017) Color naming across languages reflects color use. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA   10.1073/pnas.1619666114 (news coverage in Science, The Atlantic, and The Boston Globe)

34. Lafer-Sousa R, Conway BR (2017) #thedress: categorical perception of an ambiguous color image. Journal of Vision 2017; 17(12): 25, 1-30. (news coverage in TIME magazine)

33. Bohon KS, Hermann KL, Hansen T, Conway BR (2016) Representation of Perceptual Color Space in Macaque Posterior Inferior Temporal Cortex (the V4 Complex). eNeuro 3 (4): July/August 3(4) e0039-16.2016 1–28

32. Lafer-Sousa R, Conway* BR, Kanwisher* NG (2016) Color-biased Regions of the Ventral Visual

Pathway Lie between Face- and Place- Selective Regions in Humans, as in Macaques. Journal of Neuroscience 36(5),1682-97. *co-senior authors (equal contribution)

31. Lafer-Sousa R, Hermann KL, Conway BR (2015) Striking differences in color perception uncovered by        ‘The Dress’ photograph. Current Biology published on-line May 14, 2015. DOI: (see coverage in The New York Times, The Guardian)

30. Verhoef B-E, Bohon KS, Conway BR (2015) Functional Architecture for disparity in macaque inferior temporal cortex and its relationship to the architecture for faces, color, scenes, and visual field.              Journal of Neuroscience 35(17):6952– 6968

29. Zaidi Q, Marshall J, Thoen H, Conway BR (2014) Evolution of neural computations: Mantis shrimp and      human colour vision. iperception, 5:492–496

28.Gagin G, Bohon KS, Butensky A, Gates M, Jiun-Yiing H, Lafer-Sousa R, Reitumetse PL, Qu J, Stoughton CM, Swanbeck SN, Conway BR (2014) Color detection thresholds in macaque monkeys and humans. Journal of Vision 14(8):12, 1–15

27. Conway BR (2014) Color signals through dorsal and ventral visual pathways. Visual Neurosciences 31(3):285-6. Advanced Online Publication (Oct. 8, 2013) 10.1017/S0952523813000382.

26.Lafer-Sousa R, Conway BR (2013) Parallel, multi-stage processing of colors, faces and shapes in macaque inferior temporal cortex. Nature Neuroscience 16(12):1870-8. Advanced Publication (October 2013) 10.1038/nn.3555 (recommended by F1000)

25. Hubel DH, Wiesel TW, Yeagle EM, Lafer-Sousa R, Conway BR (2013) Binocular stereoscopy in visual areas V-2, V-3 and V-3A of the macaque monkey. Cerebral Cortex Advanced Online Publication (Oct. 11, 2013) 10.1093/cercor/bht288 (recommended by F1000)

24. Cavanagh P, Conway BR, Freedberg D, Rosenberg R (2013) Sciences cognitives et histoire de l’art, une coopération en devenir? [Cognitive science and art history: a partnership in the making?]. Perspective, la Revue de Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art. 1 (Période moderne/Époque contemporaine): 11-28.

23.Stoughton CM, Lafer-Sousa R, Gagin G, Conway BR (2012) Psychophysical chromatic mechanisms in macaque monkey. Journal of Neuroscience 32(43):15216-26

22.Lafer-Sousa R, Liu YO, Lafer-Sousa L, Wiest MC, Conway BR (2012) Color tuning in alert macaque V1 assessed with fMRI and single-unit recording shows a bias towards daylight colors. Journal of the Optical Society of America 29(5):657-70

21. Livingstone MS, Lafer-Sousa R, Conway BR (2011) Stereopsis and artistic talent: poor stereopsis among art students and established artists. Psychological Science 22(3):336-8.

20. Conway BR and Tsao DY (2009) Color-tuned neurons are clustered according to color preference in macaque extrastriate cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 106(42):18034-18039.

19. Conway BR (2009), Color vision, cones and color-coding in the cortex The Neuroscientist 15(3):274-290

18. Conway BR and Stoughton CM (2009) Towards a neural representation of unique hues. Current Biology 19(11):R442-443.

17.Stoughton CM and Conway BR (2008) Neural basis for unique hues. Current Biology 18(16):R698-699.             PMID: PMC18727902

16. Conway BR, Moeller S and Tsao DY (2007) Specialized color modules in macaque extrastriate cortex Neuron 56(3):560-573 [cover article].

15. Livingstone MS and Conway BR (2007) Contrast changes speed tuning and spatio-temporal receptive field structure of simple cells in alert macaque. Journal of Neurophysiology 97(1): 849-57.

14. Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2006) Spatial and temporal properties of cone signals in alert macaque primary visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience  26:10826-46 [cover article].

13. Pack C, Conway BR, Born RT and Livingstone MS (2006) Spatiotemporal structure of nonlinear subunits in macaque visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 26(3):893-907.

12. Conway BR and Tsao DY (2006) Color architecture in alert macaque cortex revealed by fMRI. Cerebral Cortex 16(11):1604-13 (published on-line December 28, 2005).

11. Conway BR (2006) Stable Receptive Field Structure of Color Neurons in Primary Visual Cortex under Adapting and Non-adapting Conditions. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, CGIV Proceedings. pp 100-104.

10. Conway BR, Kitaoka A, Yazdanbakhsh A, Pack CC, and Livingstone MS (2005) Neural basis for a powerful static motion illusion. Journal of Neuroscience 25(23):5651-5656 [cover article].

9. Marmor MF, Shaikh S, Livingstone MS and Conway BR (2005) New England Journal of Medicine 352, 631-632.

8. Livingstone MS and Conway BR (2004) Was Rembrandt Stereoblind? New England Journal of Medicine 351(12): 1264-1265.

7. Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2003) Space-time maps and two-bar interactions of different classes of direction-selective cells in macaque V-1. Journal of Neurophysiology 89:2726-2742.

6. Livingstone MS and Conway BR (2003) Substructure of direction-selective receptive fields in macaque V1. Journal of Neurophysiology 89:2743-2759.

5. Tsao DT, Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2003) Receptive fields of disparity-tuned simple cells in macaque V1. Neuron 38:103-114

4. Conway BR, Hubel DH and Livingstone MS (2002) Color contrast in macaque V1. Cerebral Cortex 12:915-925.

3. Conway BR (2001) Spatial structure of cone inputs to color cells in alert macaque primary visual cortex (V-1). Journal of Neuroscience 21(8):2768-2783 [cover article].

2. Conway B, Boyd JD, Stewart TH and Matsubara JA (2000) The projection from V1 to extrastriate area 21a: a second patchy efferent pathway that colocalizes with the CO blob columns in cat visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 10:149-159

1. Zhang YZ, Moheban D, Conway B, Bhattacharyya A, Stiles CD and Segal RA (2000) The role of dynamin mediated endocytosis in NGF signaling. Journal of Neuroscience 15:5671-8.


26. Vaziri-Pashkam M, Conway BR. (2022) How The visual system turns things the right way up. Cogn Neuropsychol. May 27; 1-4. doi: 10.1080/02643294.2022.2073808

25. Carroll J, Conway BR. (2021) Color vision (Chapter 10). Handbook of Clinical Neurology, V0. 178 (Neurology of Vision and Visual Disorders, J. Barton and A. Leff, Editors), pp. 23

24. Conway BR, Zaidi Q (2019) Steps towards neural decoding of colors. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 30:169-177

23. Conway BR, Eskew RT, Jr., Martin PR, Stockman A. (2018) A tour of contemporary color vision

research. Vision Res. 2018;151:2-6. Epub 2018/07/01. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2018.06.009.

22. Conway BR, Eskew RT, Martin PR, Stockman A. (2018) Editorial, Special Issue on Color Vision. Vision

Res. 2018;151:1. Epub 2018/10/18. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2018.09.001.

21. Conway, B. R. (2018). “The Organization and Operation of Inferior Temporal Cortex.” Annu Rev Vis Sci.

20. Gibson E, and Conway BR The Conversation Languages don’t all have the same number of terms for colors — scientists have a new theory why. Sept 18, 2017

19. Conway BR (2014) Review of “The psychology of visual art: Eye, brain and art” by G. Mather (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013), Perception 43(6):602-604.

18. Conway BR, Rehding A (2013) Neuroaesthetics and the trouble with beauty. PLoS Biology 11:e1001504. (see Nature commentary)

17. Conway BR (2013) Review of “Vision and Brain: How We Perceive the World” by J.V.Stone (MIT Press, 2012). Color Research & Application 38:176.

16. The Guardian, Why do we care about the colour of the dress? Op Ed Feb 27, 2015

15. Conway BR, “Processing,” Experience: Culture, Cognition, and the Common Sense, Caroline A. Jones, David Mather, and Rebecca Uchill, eds. (Cambridge MA: MIT Press and the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology, 2016): 86-109.

14. Roe AW, Chelazzi L, Connor CE, Conway BR, Fujita I, Gallant J, Lu HD, Vanduffel W (2012) Towards a unified theory of visual area V4. Neuron 74:12-29.

13. Conway BR (2012) Color consilience: color through the lens of art practice, history, philosophy, and   neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Science (Cognitive Science Annual Issue)     1251:77-94

12. Conway BR (2012) Doing Science Making Art, Trends in Cognitive Science, 16(6):310-312

11. Conway BR, Chatterjee S, Field GD, Horwitz GD, Johnson EN, Koida K, Mancuso K (2010), Advances in color science: from retina to perception Journal of Neuroscience 30(45):14955-14963.

10. Lafer-Sousa R and Conway BR (2009) Vision and Art: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Neuroscience Education. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 8(1):A10-A17.

9. Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2007) Perspectives on Science and Art. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 17:476-482 [cover article].

8. Conway BR (2007) Color Vision: Mice see hue too. Current Biology 17:R457-R460.

7. Livingstone MS and Conway BR (2006) View Masters. Skeptical Inquirer 30(6):34-37.

6. Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2006) Reverse correlation methods, in Principles and Practice of Clinical Electrophysiology, 2nd Edition. (Heckenlively JR and Arden GB, Editors)Boston: The MIT Press. pp 461-471.

5. Conway BR (2005) Frontispiece (hard-ground etching), In Brain and Visual Perception (Hubel DH and Wiesel TW)New York: Oxford University Press.Conway

4. Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2005) A Different Point of Hue. Proceedings of the National

            Academy of Sciences 102(31):10761-2.

3. Conway BR (2003) Colour Vision: A Clue to Hue in V2. Current Biology 13:R308-R310.

2. Conway BR and Livingstone MS (2002) The neural basis for colour vision, in Nadel L, Encyclopedia of Cognitive ScienceLondon: Nature Publishing Group, pp 568-576.

1. Conway BR (2002) Neural mechanisms of color vision. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers (Elsevier), 144 pp.